Linguistically Speaking

Switzerland - Next European Champion?

(a student's discussion of the reasons why Switzerland could win the European Championship)

"[...] However, the Swiss national team has really good physical abilities. They can run faster than me without losing breath. I must mention that I faint after running about ten meters. Unfortunately, I am not the measure of all things. So they were not as fast as the German players at the last game. In other words, the Swiss players were as fast as a turtle, whereas the German players were Speedy Gonzales. Nevertheless, the Swiss national team has good physical abilities - compared to me.

Switzerland therefore has not had good results since the World Football Championship. [...] Actually, these bad results could be only a diversionary tactic. Switzerland will play much better during the European championship. Moreover, the opposing team will be confused because they will have underestimated our team. This reason is the most improbable one, but hope springs eternal."
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