Linguistically Speaking

In War

Everything swirls. The old rules are no longer binding, the old truths no longer true. Right spills over into wrong. Order blends into chaos, love into hate, ugliness into beauty, law into anarchy, civility into savagery. The vapors suck you in. You can't tell where you are, or why you're there, and the only certainty is overwhelming ambiguity.

In war you lose your sense of the definite, hence your sense of truth itself, and therefore it's safe to say that in a true war story nothing is ever absolutely true.

Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried.
sarin1a - 27. Oct, 13:24

"Right spills over into wrong."

Wegen solchen Sätzen studiert man Literatur.

si1ja - 27. Oct, 13:47

"absolutely true"

Musste mir gleich alle Bücher von O'Brien kaufen, trotz Zeitmangel, denn purer Genuss beim Lesen, auf inhaltlicher wie sprachlicher Ebene, ist, selbst für Literaturstudierende, eine Rarität.

Habe schon meine Drittklässler vorgewarnt. ;-)
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